CBD For Acne

cbd for acne

CBD for acne: can it help?

CBD For Acne is a common skin condition that affects more than 9% of the global population. It is thought to be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, bacteria, underlying inflammation and the overproduction of sebum, an oily secretion made by sebaceous glands in the skin.

The studies

Based on recent scientific studies, CBD (cannabidiol) may be able to help treat acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce sebum production. Multiple studies have found anti-inflammatory qualities in CBD which could help reduce acne. The researchers theorized that cannabinoids could have the potential to “shut off” the receptors that caused excess skin cell buildup in people with psoriasis. This should come as exciting news for any sufferers of acne, or indeed any related skin conditions. It could be the answer.

CBD for acne: what’s available

CBD products are widely available in the current market. You have many different options when it comes to CBD. These days it is available in many different shapes and sizes. The most common form of CBD is CBD oil. These can either be ingested or applied topically to an area of the body. However, most oils are meant for ingestion while creams and balms take up the topical role. In addition, you can get different types of oil, such as isolate. For acne specifically, we recommend topical products.

What about legality?

As CBD products should contain only trace amounts of THC, the chemical in cannabis responsible for the “high”, they are fully legal and available widely.

CBD for acne: Staying safe

It’s a good idea to consult a qualified medical practitioner before using CBD to make sure you won’t have any problems.

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CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, promoting balance and homeostasis. It may help alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and potentially have other therapeutic effects.

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We all contain an incredibly complex and important Endocannabinoid System in our body that helps to regulate the functions of our nervous and immune systems.

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