Yearly Archives - 2021

History of CBD

History of CBD: how it was discovered The history of CBD: CBD, an abbreviation of cannabidiol, was first discovered in 1940 by Roger Adams. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, known as the “godfather of cannabis research,” then honed his focus on the cannabinoid. In 1963, Mechoulam described the chemical structure of CBD. How was CBD first used? Research into CBD oil's therapeutic uses gathered momentum in the 1980s when Mechoulam and other scientists began conducting game-changing research on CBD for epilepsy. Mechoulam said in aninterview: “The...


Benefits of CBD part 2: How CBD can benefit you

A lot of people have been researching CBD benefits. The hemp plant is where CBD comes from. There are 100s of these in total. Unlike THC, the chemical responsible for the "high" feeling from cannabis, CBD is not psychoactive. This makes CBD products a great option for those who are looking for relief from pain and other symptoms and disorders without the mind-altering effects of cannabis. Here's 5 more benefits of CBD. 5 more benefits of CBD 1. It is not addticive Drugs...


CBD Benefits Part 1: 5 ways CBD can help

A lot of people have been researching CBD benefits. The hemp plant is where CBD is extracted from. CBD and it's relatives are known as cannabinoids. There are 100s of these in total. Unlike THC, the chemical responsible for the "high" feeling from cannabis, CBD is not psychoactive. This makes CBD a great option for those who are looking for relief from pain and other symptoms and disorders without the mind-altering effects of cannabis. Here's 5 benefits of CBD. 5 CBD...


Can CBD help anxiety?

Can CBD help anxiety? So, can CBD help anxiety? In recent years, cannabidiol (CBD) oil has become a widely favoured natural remedy for anxiety. While some take it to alleviate their everyday worries and problems, others use it to treat more serious conditions like generalized anxiety disorder. A compound found in the marijuana plant, cannabidiol has increased in availability in recent times. A growing number of companies have begun selling supplements, salves, and other products made with CBD oil, typically touting these items...


What is CBD? How is CBD different from cannabis/marijuana?

How does CBD differ from cannabis? What makes it different? What is CBD? CBD (short for cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring, non-toxic, non-psychoactive compound extracted from the cannabis plant and is safe to use in both humans and animals. All our products at cbDNA are free from the use of GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, and harmful chemicals. It is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis (marijuana). It is extracted directly from the hemp plant, which is a relative of...

Do CBD gummies help you sleep

Do CBD gummies help you sleep?

So do CBD gummies help you sleep? The short answer is no. Whilst there is evidence that CBD may help with sleep, CBD gummies are just a gimmick. When ingesting CBD into the stomach, the absorption rate is roughly 5%, which means 95% of the CBD in the gummies will be wasted. Whilst they taste nice, they are just an expensive fad with sweets costing close to £1 each. Once there is more widespread research into CBD, I am fairly...

Can I overdose on CBD oil? What is the highest dose advised by doctors?

Can I overdose on CBD oil? | What is the highest dose advised by doctors?

Overdose on CBD oil: The facts There are no known cases of people overdosing on CBD or even any type of natural cannabis related substance. CBD has been regulated by the food standards agency who say you should not take more than 70mg per day. This is a drop from 200mg per day which was the previous advice. The answer to the question "can I overdose on CBD oil?" is quite clear, there have been studies in which people have taken...

can children use water soluble CBD for autism?

Can children use CBD? Can children use water soluble CBD for autism? Is it better than CBD oil?

So can children use CBD? Children can use water soluble CBD and it is better than CBD oil. This is actually the best method of delivery for children to take CBD. Because our water soluble is liposome encapsulated, it's protected from the bodies stomach acids until it reaches the intestines. Water soluble CBD can be added to water, juice, food or taken direct. Whichever way you choose to take it, you can guarantee that you will absorb close to 100% of...

Can I overdose on CBD oil? What is the highest dose advised by doctors?

CBD oil cocaine withdrawal: Can CBD oil help with cocaine withdrawal?

Can I replace my pain medication with CBD? CBD oil cocaine withdrawal: Research shows that CBD may correct the genetic changes due to cocaine abuse. Long term abuse Long-term abuse of cocaine induces compensatory changes in numerous genes associated with brain function. These compensatory changes lead to the appearance of the classic series of withdrawal symptoms when cocaine use is discontinued.  The withdrawal behavioral symptoms are the exact opposite of what was experienced while taking cocaine, including fatigue, a near complete anhedonia, or the inability to feel...

Can I replace my pain medication with CBD?

Pain medication with CBD? Can I replace my pain medication with CBD?

Pain medication with CBD? CBD represents an alternative method to treat people who want to take medications without any addiction and strong side effects. Researchers relate cannabidiol to receptors in the brain and the immune system. Numerous studies have noted that CBD has painkiller and anti-inflammatory effects. Pain medication with CBD? CBD and its compounds work to relieve chronic pain. The review looked through studies, carried between 1975 and 2018. These researches examined various types of pain, including: neuropathic paincancerfibromyalgia Specialists concluded that CBD is an effective...




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CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, promoting balance and homeostasis. It may help alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and potentially have other therapeutic effects.

Encapsulated water-soluble CBD offers enhanced bioavailability and absorption. It dissolves easily in water, allowing for better distribution throughout the body, potentially increasing the effectiveness and quick onset of CBD's benefits.



The most revolutionary CBD product on the market. Incorporate water soluble CBD into your daily ritual and enjoy 5 to 20 times increased bioavailability and absorption – far superior to leading brands of regular CBD oils on the market.


We all contain an incredibly complex and important Endocannabinoid System in our body that helps to regulate the functions of our nervous and immune systems.

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