Can CBD improve hair?

Can CBD improve hair?

can cbd improve hair

Can CBD improve hair?

CBD has many applications, and more are being researched and explored constantly. It’s most often used for mental well-being, but also has physical benefits. One of these that isn’t thought about a lot is its potential ability to encourage healthy hair and hair growth.

Can CBD improve hair?

Hair follicles are complex and not fully understood just yet. Given that we are still in the early days of understanding the complexities of the endocannabinoid system. The intersection of hair growth and the ECS is an area ripe for exploration. Looking at the preliminary research we do have, however, an interesting picture is starting to emerge.

Because CBD is non-intoxicating, it has been widely embraced over recent years. While it broke through into public consciousness largely because of its ability to help with hard-to-treat forms of epilepsy and seizure disorder, research has uncovered many possible medical applications for CBD. A few include:

Stress and anxiety
Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers or Parkinson’s
Inflammatory bowel disorders
Nausea and vomiting
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Skin conditions like psoriasis

How can CBD help with hair loss & healthy hair growth?

Hair follicles are complex and not fully understood just yet. Given that we are still in the early days of understanding the complexities of the endocannabinoid system, too, the intersection of hair growth and the body’s endocannabinoid system (what CBD interacts with in the body) is an area ripe for exploration. Looking at the preliminary research we do have, however, an interesting picture is starting to emerge.

Research has shown that both orally consuming cannabinoids like CBD oil, or applying topically such as with a cream will deposit them into a developing hair shaft, raising some interesting new questions about how the endocannabinoid system impacts hair growth and development. Researchers have also found cannabinoid receptors (called CB1 and CB2) in hair follicles, and one study showed that CBD might impact hair growth in a dose-dependent way: lower doses seem to stimulate hair growth while high doses seem to inhibit it.

Can CBD improve hair? CBD for hair loss

Since CBD has been shown to increase blood circulation, applying CBD products to the scalp for hair loss may be effective because it can soothe and calm the skin and encourage hair growth around the follicle. CBD may also reduce inflammation to help combat thinning hair by creating a more nurturing environment for hair to grow. As CBD is also known for its anxiety-relieving properties, less stress means less of the “stress hormone” cortisol. High amounts of cortisol have been linked to hair loss.

One reason CBD oil appears to have been widely touted on the internet as a potential hair loss solution, is due to its nutritional properties. It is rich in the fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 – something researchers at the University of Seville found to be present in the ‘1/4 ratio’ considered optimal for health. It is also understood to contain good levels of linoleic and gamma linoleic acid (GLA) – essential fatty acids that promote the maintenance of normal hair growth – as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Additionally, CBD oil is said to be high in vitamin E. As such, it may help to improve the condition of the hair in the same way following a balanced, healthy diet would.

The bottom line

Regarding “Can CBD improve hair?” CBD certainly shows promise in the hair department, and as more research is done it should show us a clearer picture, but the early developments are promising. So Can CBD improve hair? It certainly seems so!

If you want to try CBD, it’s worth consulting a qualified medical professional like your doctor first.

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