Author - Entourage21

Where can I buy genuine CBD oil in the UK?

Where can I buy genuine CBD oil in the UK? Genuine CBD oil UK

Genuine CBD oil UK Finding a supplier you can trust is no mean feat. A recent study showed that over 70% of brands on the market do not have the advertised strength inside. A few had more than advertised but most had less and in some cases no CBD within them at all. Buying CBD products in a market that is not yet fully regulated is a mine field, this is one of the reasons we joined the Cannabis Trades Association....

Can I replace my pain medication with CBD?

How bad is CBD oil mislabelling in the UK?

How bad is CBD oil mislabelling in the UK? How bad is CBD oil mislabelling in the UK? A study by a leading UK cannabis-advocacy group suggests that CBD oil mislabelling effects over 60% of products available in the UK. The UK-based research was conducted following a US study that found inaccurate labelling of almost 70% of cannabidiol (CBD) products brought online. The UK results revealed that only 38% of the products tested were within 10% of their claimed CBD content. Perhaps...


Will CBD help autoimmune diseases?

Will CBD help autoimmune diseases? Will CBD help autoimmune diseases? Studies have discovered that CBD is an immunosuppressant and immunomodulator, and it has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can cause or contribute to many autoimmune diseases, and taking CBD could help reduce that inflammation. Those who have hyperactive immune systems that end up attacking themselves could benefit from the immunosuppressant properties that CBD offers. Will CBD help autoimmune diseases? Ongoing trials We need to perform several more studies about the relationship between CBD and the...

Endocannabinoid system

The miracle of CBD and your immune system, does it work? How cbd works with your endocannabinoid system

endocannabinoid system how CBD works with your endocannabinoid system The discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is still fairly recent, and we are still learning how it works with and inside the body. With the things we have learned, however, we know that the ECS helps establish and maintain homeostasis, or balance, between the various systems in the body. Your body produces endocannabinoids as needed to help modulate or regulate cell function, including the cells in your immune system. How CBD Affects The...


Synthetic CBD is on the way

Can I overdose on CBD oil? What is the highest dose advised by doctors? Whether you are a fan of using natural products or chemical substitutes, most synthetic medicines are copies of nature. A recent study into CBD and inflammation caused by Covid-19 have shown positive early results. This has triggered pharmaceutical companies to make a synthetic CBD that can be licensed for use in Covid-19 patients. It is currently in the preclinical trial stages and has shown good results in...


Can CBD help with hip pain?

Can CBD help with hip pain? There are many causes of hip pain, from misalignment of the back to wearing away of the joint. The only way to be certain is to see a specialist. If it turns out to be arthritis, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest CBD does positive effects. If you have worn hip joints that need replacing, the only thing that will help is a hip replacement. can CBD help with hip pain? Can CBD help with...

CBD oil for pets

Is CBD oil safe for dogs?

Is CBD oil safe for dogs? Is CBD oil safe for dogs? Is CBD oil safe for dogs? Like humans, dogs do have an endocannabinoid system. It is safe to give dogs CBD but we would advise that you speak to your vet first. Your dog would be safe to take 5-10mg a day with no problems. Is CBD oil safe for dogs? What does CBD help dogs with? There is anecdotal evidence to say CBD helps dogs suffering with a wide array...

CBD oil for pets

Does CBD help dogs with arthritis? Can CBD help dogs with pain and arthritis?

Does CBD help dogs with arthritis? This is a question we are asked constantly. So does CBD help dogs with arthritis? We are not allowed to diagnose or give advice about treating your pet. I can tell you that dogs have an endocannabinoid system like humans do. If you do want to give your dog CBD, it would be best to give them water soluble CBD. A dog will not be able to hold CBD oil under its tongue so would...


Water soluble CBD technology: Water soluble CBD, how does it work and what is the best technology? Liposome encapsulation or Nanotechnology?

Water soluble CBD technology The risks of nanotoxicity to human health and the environment The widespread use of manufactured nanomaterials in consumer, industrial and agricultural products will dramatically increase our exposure. Study of the negative health impacts of exposure to very small particles in air pollution, coal and silica dust, welding fumes and asbestos is informing the emerging field of nanotoxicology. Much more research is needed to understand the health risks of nanomaterials already used in hundreds of products world-wide. New technologies...

Water Soluble CBD UK

Water soluble CBD oil: Why water soluble CBD is better than standard CBD oil

Natural water soluble Water soluble CBD oil Water soluble CBD oil: Rudimentary knowledge of chemistry reminds us that oil and water do not mix. Since our bodies are mostly water, water soluble compounds travel through the body faster and more efficiently. The issue with other products on the market remains that our bodies cannot as effectively absorb CBD when swallowed in it’s natural oil state. Our 100% natural water soluble alternative to traditional CBD oil offers a more effective solution with little to...




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CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, promoting balance and homeostasis. It may help alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and potentially have other therapeutic effects.

Encapsulated water-soluble CBD offers enhanced bioavailability and absorption. It dissolves easily in water, allowing for better distribution throughout the body, potentially increasing the effectiveness and quick onset of CBD's benefits.



The most revolutionary CBD product on the market. Incorporate water soluble CBD into your daily ritual and enjoy 5 to 20 times increased bioavailability and absorption – far superior to leading brands of regular CBD oils on the market.


We all contain an incredibly complex and important Endocannabinoid System in our body that helps to regulate the functions of our nervous and immune systems.

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